If you don't care about the specifics, this AVS Starter Pack is probably for you then!
Advanced Visualization Studio (AVS)
* AVS Versions that are widely considered to be the most compatible
AVS Plugin Effects (APE)
- 3d.ape
- addborder.ape *
- amoeba.ape
- amoeba3d.ape
- avs_videocap.ape
- avsgrabber.ape
- buffer.ape *
- channelshift.ape *
- cls_dynamic.ape
- colormap.ape *
- colorreduction.ape *
- convolution.ape *
- delay.ape *
- dmxcontrol.ape *
- eeltrans.ape *
- flock.ape
- frameratelimiter.ape *
- fyrewurx.ape *
- globmgr.ape *
- gradientbox.ape
- ifs.ape
- lyrics.ape
- metaballs3d.ape **
- multifilter.ape *
- multiplier.ape *
- negativestrobe.ape
- normalise.ape *
- orbz.ape
- pfavs.ape
- picture2.ape *
- plasma.ape
- pngape.ape
- rgbfilter.ape
- saver.ape
- screenreverse.ape
- slideshow.ape
- texer.ape *
- texer2.ape *
- text.ape
- triangle.ape *
- vf.ape
- vf2.ape
- vfxaviplayer.ape *
- vjcontrol.ape
- wjmx50_beat_tracker.ape
- * Comes with PimpBot installers
- ** incompatible
All of the listed APEs are also part of the Super Ape Pack.